Once more you cannot come soon enough…..
You pace only in the speed you can and will
At times, we wish the moment to never end……
Stay and keep us company
It feels so right , be here ……….
A hug, a kiss, en embrace, a smile a feeling?
Once more we wish it came and gone quicker than the speed of light, the other side of the coin, emotions and common sense fights us, the chase we never seem to conquer?
Accustomed to the vibration for so long and yet long for that moment of freedom………….
While the only thing that can keep us company
And bring us closer to you
Patience and knowing that you can and will
Make it a reality in the past
As the present will sweeten our lips with dreams
Continue to come wrapped with hope, faith and understanding
No fears, no doubts, and no worries
You can, but you will not let us down
Time, you are the symbol of life
The everlasting clock we must follow…………
I cherish you, I love you and as I move forward to a new page I become more inquisitive; there has to be more….
Aging and time holding hands —- never let go!